At the Valentine's Day party at Kate's school, Suzy was in charge of bringing some of the treats. She made some type of Greek yogurt dish involving strawberries (they're into healthy food at the school). She had them all made, and was putting them together in the Kitchen when she turned around, into Jace. As she was telling me about this on the phone, she said, "I turned around and kicked Jace across the kitchen." I'm afraid my first instinct was to laugh at the picture of little Jace flying across the kitchen with a look of surprise on his face. It was really more of a turn into him and he falls down (not really hurt except feelings wise). Also, she dropped the yogurts. And had to start over, go and change and get Jace to stop trying to clean it up (which he is very good about doing) since he was mostly just rubbing the yogurt around and into the carpet.
She had made one cup of only strawberries for one girl in the class with dairy issues. Surprisingly, another girl had questions about the contents of the Yogurt. Specifically, "Does this have any pork in it? I'm not allowed to eat Pork." Suzy, calmly told her no, this does not have Pork in it. Then enjoyed quite the laugh with the other adults once this sweet child was not longer paying attention.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
V-Day Romance
So Kate has had a series of plans involving marriage (she started early). Originally it was to marry her friend Shae. She then moved on to an older boy named Garrett. Since she's started Kindergarten, she has moved her focus to a boy in her class named River. In one of her first PE classes, he came in #1 in the run around the playground and Kate came in 2nd. I originally thought it was because she was so fast, but now I wonder if she didn't have some additional motivation.
Anyway, Suzy was at the Valentine's day party and happened to be talking to River's mom. She let her know that Kate fancied her son (which I don't think was much of a secret, River was Kate's lone friend she invited to play with her at Wings).
River's Mom told Kate that the other day River started asking about weddings (apparently there was a magazine open to a wedding dress picture). River's mom let him know that usually the women chooses much of the wedding "stuff". She jokingly said something about having to find the right girl first. At that point, River said, "oh, I already know who I'm going to marry. I love Kate. But I can't tell her yet because I would get teased at school".
Ahhhhh, Young Love. Isn't it great? Luckily, with Kate's track record, we're not too worried that this will move into series dating.
Anyway, Suzy was at the Valentine's day party and happened to be talking to River's mom. She let her know that Kate fancied her son (which I don't think was much of a secret, River was Kate's lone friend she invited to play with her at Wings).
River's Mom told Kate that the other day River started asking about weddings (apparently there was a magazine open to a wedding dress picture). River's mom let him know that usually the women chooses much of the wedding "stuff". She jokingly said something about having to find the right girl first. At that point, River said, "oh, I already know who I'm going to marry. I love Kate. But I can't tell her yet because I would get teased at school".
Ahhhhh, Young Love. Isn't it great? Luckily, with Kate's track record, we're not too worried that this will move into series dating.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Things I want to remember about my kids.
Jace is a hitter. Not in the baseball sense, unless one assumes he sees all others as the ball and himself as the bat. And by himself I mean all of himself. His head, his hand, his whole body. He constantly has bruises on his forehead (headbutting), the most recent was from a table at a local restaurant.
When does he utilize this "talent"? Usually either when he's tired, or when someone has taken away something Jace shouldn't have, that he wants.
What are some good things Jace does? He loves books and balls. He can be very loving and nice, and when he sees someone who is hurt will go up and give them a hug. He laughs easily, whether with Peek-a-boo or when being spun or throwing in the air. He generally goes to sleep pretty well (in his crib, or the car seat). He does yell in the car fairly often.
Kate continues to grow up and her initial personality has held true. She's fairly obedient and usually thinks of others. She loves to do service (whether it's a nice note for someone or making our bed on the very rare occasion it's not already made of course). She too often stretches the truth though. She's very into the "Oh, I forgot" or "that was an accident" excuses. She does NOT like getting in trouble (really, who does). She loves to play with her sister Faith. They have a good relationship.
Faith loves her sister and wants to be just like her and do everything she does. Suzy was recently asking her who she wanted as the friend to do something with on her birthday, and all the answers were Kate's friends (who often don't give her the time of day unfortunately). She's also tall for her age, and so it's sometimes hard to remember how young she is. She's very good at making Jace laugh. She's his favorite. She's very patient with him and a great big sister. According to Suzy (who knows), she has a knack for dancing. When she's in a happy mood, she's so compliant and eager to please. She's pretty sensitive and will (of the children) most easily get her feelings hurt. She's also the most stubborn when she get's something in her head. Although, recently we've had some break throughs where she was able to be reasoned with so we hope she continues to grow into that.
When does he utilize this "talent"? Usually either when he's tired, or when someone has taken away something Jace shouldn't have, that he wants.
What are some good things Jace does? He loves books and balls. He can be very loving and nice, and when he sees someone who is hurt will go up and give them a hug. He laughs easily, whether with Peek-a-boo or when being spun or throwing in the air. He generally goes to sleep pretty well (in his crib, or the car seat). He does yell in the car fairly often.
Kate continues to grow up and her initial personality has held true. She's fairly obedient and usually thinks of others. She loves to do service (whether it's a nice note for someone or making our bed on the very rare occasion it's not already made of course). She too often stretches the truth though. She's very into the "Oh, I forgot" or "that was an accident" excuses. She does NOT like getting in trouble (really, who does). She loves to play with her sister Faith. They have a good relationship.
Faith loves her sister and wants to be just like her and do everything she does. Suzy was recently asking her who she wanted as the friend to do something with on her birthday, and all the answers were Kate's friends (who often don't give her the time of day unfortunately). She's also tall for her age, and so it's sometimes hard to remember how young she is. She's very good at making Jace laugh. She's his favorite. She's very patient with him and a great big sister. According to Suzy (who knows), she has a knack for dancing. When she's in a happy mood, she's so compliant and eager to please. She's pretty sensitive and will (of the children) most easily get her feelings hurt. She's also the most stubborn when she get's something in her head. Although, recently we've had some break throughs where she was able to be reasoned with so we hope she continues to grow into that.
The 6th Sense
Not everyone is blessed with a 6th sense. Some people are. In fact, it may be more common than you think. Many people brag about this 6th sense. In fact, next to liking long walks on the beach and having a job, it's the number 3 most looked for attribute in a potential online mate. At least by the female of the species. What is this mysterious 6th sense? The much coveted sense of humor.
Suzy has gobs of this 6th Sense. She has it in spades. If there was a definition of "a tonne of sense of humor" (probably in a Canadian dictionary, since they spell Ton wrong), it would simply say Suzy Garrett.
Just as D&C 50:22 seems to insinuate, sometimes it takes two to tango. Or in this case a number larger than 1. I guess one person can have a sense of humor, but it has the ability to exponentially increase in fun if the number involved is more than 1.
Unfortunately, it seems that some people are not as blessed as my wife with a keen wit. She was in some kind of Relief Society meeting the other day (on emotional well being apparently).
One lady asked, "If you're feeling Anger, is it ever appropriate to voice that emotion?"
Suzy, realizing this is a chance to lighten the mood slightly and make it easier for others to speak about this sensitive subject, immediately popped out with, "Testimony meeting is a great place to voice your anger".
At this point, I must insert a brief aside, as I'm wont to do on occasion (if by occasion one means constantly). The Nestlers recently moved into our ward. Some people who know Suzy, and have known Suzy for a long while (especially growing up), know that Suzy is funny and is often not serious. Those who are "johnny come latelys" to Suzy (or more likely "Janey come latelys" since I tend to rip off the lips johnny come latelys who are hitting on my wife and shove those lips in inappropriate places) sometimes don't understand that she is not being serious when she says something. That can, at times, be somewhat awkward.
Case in point, when she returned home from her mission, she gave her homecoming address in a new ward (her parents had moved). The people in the audience didn't laugh. Or smile. I won't comment on the fact that this may be because this was in an Eagle ward and such a ward may take itself a tad too seriously since that may give offense. She soon after that gave her talk in the ward she grew up in, and had the audience in stitches.
Now my sense of humor is universally appreciable. By males everywhere. Or pretty much anyone under the age of 8 (my girls think it's pretty funny when I have them pull my finger and then toot). Suzy has a much more witty sense of humor which can at times even be slightly on the dry side. Needless to say, she's hilarious.
Back to Nicole N. Nicole totally gets Suzy. In fact, as soon as Suzy had made the comment about expressing your anger in Testimony meeting, she burst out loudly laughing. And soon realized she was the only one. Yes, many of the ladies just looked askance at Suzy. Awkward.
Suzy has gobs of this 6th Sense. She has it in spades. If there was a definition of "a tonne of sense of humor" (probably in a Canadian dictionary, since they spell Ton wrong), it would simply say Suzy Garrett.
Just as D&C 50:22 seems to insinuate, sometimes it takes two to tango. Or in this case a number larger than 1. I guess one person can have a sense of humor, but it has the ability to exponentially increase in fun if the number involved is more than 1.
Unfortunately, it seems that some people are not as blessed as my wife with a keen wit. She was in some kind of Relief Society meeting the other day (on emotional well being apparently).
One lady asked, "If you're feeling Anger, is it ever appropriate to voice that emotion?"
Suzy, realizing this is a chance to lighten the mood slightly and make it easier for others to speak about this sensitive subject, immediately popped out with, "Testimony meeting is a great place to voice your anger".
At this point, I must insert a brief aside, as I'm wont to do on occasion (if by occasion one means constantly). The Nestlers recently moved into our ward. Some people who know Suzy, and have known Suzy for a long while (especially growing up), know that Suzy is funny and is often not serious. Those who are "johnny come latelys" to Suzy (or more likely "Janey come latelys" since I tend to rip off the lips johnny come latelys who are hitting on my wife and shove those lips in inappropriate places) sometimes don't understand that she is not being serious when she says something. That can, at times, be somewhat awkward.
Case in point, when she returned home from her mission, she gave her homecoming address in a new ward (her parents had moved). The people in the audience didn't laugh. Or smile. I won't comment on the fact that this may be because this was in an Eagle ward and such a ward may take itself a tad too seriously since that may give offense. She soon after that gave her talk in the ward she grew up in, and had the audience in stitches.
Now my sense of humor is universally appreciable. By males everywhere. Or pretty much anyone under the age of 8 (my girls think it's pretty funny when I have them pull my finger and then toot). Suzy has a much more witty sense of humor which can at times even be slightly on the dry side. Needless to say, she's hilarious.
Back to Nicole N. Nicole totally gets Suzy. In fact, as soon as Suzy had made the comment about expressing your anger in Testimony meeting, she burst out loudly laughing. And soon realized she was the only one. Yes, many of the ladies just looked askance at Suzy. Awkward.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Green Smoothies
Green Smoothies
Exotic Locations
We recently took a fun family trip. To Idaho Falls! In February! Yeah! Actually, it wasn't half bad. Or even 3/4ths bad. We left about 8:30 on a Thursday night so that the kids would sleep most of the way, and they did. Oddly enough, about 45 minutes before we arrived (we pulled into the hotel about 12:30am) the kids all woke up. They just sat there in a stupor though. We also listened to Tennis shoes Among the Nephites (a Book on CD). Kate really liked it, Faith wanted Suzy to keep reading "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" (which she'd been periodically reading to them over the past week or so).
Anyway, at some point in the trip the girls (who for some reason eschew coats far too often) were getting into the car.
Faith (who's teeth were chattering) "I'm Jiggling Lots"
Kate, "Yeah, I'm shivering non-stoppable".
We were there for Suzy's cousin's wedding. It was very nice and all that (I stayed with the kids, so I guess I hear it was nice). It was also actually pretty warm.
This was basically the view from the Red Lion Inn we stayed at, except that there wasn't much greenery since it was winter. I'll upload some actual pictures when we get them off the camera at some point.

Kate was absolutely amazed that there were water falls. She kept asking why they were called Idaho Falls. And also saying, "I can't believe Idaho has Falls!". There was this cool bass reverberation going on at the viewing point.
Jace (and everyone else) did very well on the way back as well.
Here's an actual picture:
Anyway, at some point in the trip the girls (who for some reason eschew coats far too often) were getting into the car.
Faith (who's teeth were chattering) "I'm Jiggling Lots"
Kate, "Yeah, I'm shivering non-stoppable".
We were there for Suzy's cousin's wedding. It was very nice and all that (I stayed with the kids, so I guess I hear it was nice). It was also actually pretty warm.
This was basically the view from the Red Lion Inn we stayed at, except that there wasn't much greenery since it was winter. I'll upload some actual pictures when we get them off the camera at some point.

Kate was absolutely amazed that there were water falls. She kept asking why they were called Idaho Falls. And also saying, "I can't believe Idaho has Falls!". There was this cool bass reverberation going on at the viewing point.
Jace (and everyone else) did very well on the way back as well.
Here's an actual picture:
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