Sunday, August 7, 2011

Never a truer word

We were sitting in the office today while Broccoli was cooking. Suzy said, "You know you're hungry when Broccoli smells good."
Amen to that!

I tell you what, Broccoli is one of the few vegetables that I'll tolerate (maybe even like a little bit), but I must admit, the smell of Broccoli in the air is not one to dream about, unless, as Suzy states, one is HUNG-uh-RY (so hungry you have to use 3 syllables to pronounce it).


middledavis said...

For a veggie that tastes so good, it sure does have a questionable odor when cooking, I confess.

Clandestine Road said...

None of us liked broccoli until I found this recipe:

It is so amazing that you'll name your next kid Ina in her awesome-broccoli-making honor.


Clandestine Road said...

(for a less involved, less expensive method, we just roasted it at 425* for about 20-30m with a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper, turn it once, and dress it with a squirt of lemon juice when it is done.)