Friday, July 22, 2011

Who's yo' daddy now?

So...Suzy left me alone with the kids, for a full day. Yes, I've done stints of up to 3 or even 4 hours by myself, but never a full day. It's a big moment in a Dad's life when he's ultimately responsible for the health and well being of his children for a whole day. Did they survive? I'm proud to say that they did!

What were the ground rules?
1) I couldn't spend the whole day at my Mom's house (basically pawning the care-taking duties on her).
2) I couldn't give Jace a bath (still not quite trusted to watch the 1yr old in the bath without getting distracted by some type of Multimedia).
3) I had to feed the kids.
4) No using the TV as a babysitter.

So, how did it go? I think it went okay. I did get burned out on "princess, princess, hero, bad guy" and "Mermaid, Mermaid pirate"). Especially after MMP (Mermaid, mermaid, pirate) degenerated into the mermaids getting turned into Fairies. That's where I draw the line.

The girls spun in place until they were dizzy. Again and again and again until they made themselves sick. I pointed out that now they know why I don't like spinning rides, they argued back that they were only sick because they spun in place. If they spin in wider circles, they were sure they wouldn't be sick (citing the Tea Cups and other such rides as evidence).

Kate ate her broccoli and peaches (yes, I steamed broccoli). The kids and I went to Wal-Mart (which I was pretty nervous about but turned out okay), and we only spent from 10:30-noon at my Mom's house. Faith sampled the broccoli and ate her peaches.

Suzy commented to one of the Young women (she was at Young Women's camp for the day) that I was somewhat nervous to watch the kids. She (the YW) was quite confused by that since she's babysat multiple times and thinks my kids are easy. Yeah, I'd like to see you do the whole day anonymous young woman.

The girls had a bath with only a minimal amount of water damage to our home (my excuse was that I was paying attention to Jace, but could still hear them in the bathroom. As long as they kept making noises I was sure they were fine).

So, recap:
3 full meals including 3 types of either fruits or veggies.
A bath for 2/3rds of the children
Multiple games played and books read
No resorting to electronic babysitting.

I'd say I mostly passed (I'll admit that the house wasn't in perfectly steller shape, but hey, my Kids are still around).


middledavis said...

Hooray, Mike!! And thanks for the visit, by the way. I'd say I'm the one who benefited from that!!

Anonymous said...

I have always appreciated Moms (& Dads) for all the work they do - I got a little taste of it babysitting as a teenager & I appreciated everything Mom did for us 6 (more so as I got older & realized how much work it was). Good job, Mike.