Thursday, November 5, 2015

Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia and Monkies and Elephants and Snakes. You get the picture.

We recently took a trip up to Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur (KL) . Why they name their capital after a marsupial from Australia, I know not. It turned out to be VERY fun.  Suzy and her friend Terri did a great job planning it (we caravaned up with the Stringhams). A couple of things I learned, make sure you have exit stamps in your passport. We had Becca Jo (Stringham girl who is Kate's age) in the car with us. She had an Entrance stamp but no exit stamp from their last trip to Legoland in Malaysia. We got stopped, had to go to the office, took an extra 45 minutes before they let us finally go.  Jace was riding in their car with his friend Calvin.  Cort is pictured below with Jace and Calvin and a baby elephant. 

Here's Suzy and Brighton scrubbing away. This is Brighton's first time scrubbing a baby elephant. 

Jace looks pretty excited here. 

half the fun was the splashing

Here Suzy looks like she's married to Cort with one extra kid. 

This was a hot springs. The water was just shy of boiling (at least that's what it felt like). This was a pool you could walk through. Everyone was afraid to do it until this little girl kept doing it. 

next we went to feed the monkeys. This was my favorite part. These were friendly monkey's (silverbacks?).  We got a bag of food (some leaves they like and some bananas) from a guy at the site. 

If you hold the food just right, the monkeys will climb on you. This got to be everyone's goal. 

Suzy made some good friends with Jorge

I don't really think there friendship was based on deep interpersonal communication. To me it seemed somewhat superficial and based on her enabling his food habit. 

me and my monkey Harold however had a deep, meaningful relationship.

Ah, those were the days.

Faith and her monkey friend Jillian 

Here's Kate enjoying Celias Armpit smell  

Brighton had a standoffish relationship with her monkey acquaintance Joe Bob. 

This was in Malaca on the way up to KL. We stopped here and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. 

We went on a brief walk and experienced some of the city. For about 40 minutes or so. 

Jace thought it was great. Brighton wasn't impressed.

Kate really wanted to go to this place that had a foot sign. We didn't know what it meant though. 

The Petronas Towers.  At one point the tallest buildings in the world, now numbers 9 and 10 I believe.

Petronas Towers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What! there are cars flying off the walls! Crazy talk. 

These were the Batu Caves. A series of Buddhist temples I believe.  

each one of these alcoves seems to have multiple Gods in it. I obviously am well acquainted with the history and all that. 

At the end of the caves they had this cool zoo type thing with Snakes and other animals. 

We later went on a boat ride to see the fireflies. No one believed they were fireflies because they looked like Christmas lights hanging in the trees. Then driver went up close and we could see the actual flies, so we believed. 

Faith is sure cute. Too bad we went super fast and she had to hold on to her hat instead of wearing it once we got going. 

This lighthouse was by where the monkeys were. 

We went home the next day after eating at a Mexican restaurant for lunch and shopping at an H&M. Definitely the highlight of the trip (I jest).  I took us over 2 hrs to get through the checkpoint on the way back because we timed it wrong. 

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