Monday, October 12, 2015

Some more New Zealand Pics

Here was a war canoe, pretty good sized. They get one of these from one tree, takes about 5 months to make.

Traditional Dances, notice the painted faces

The facial expressions really make the dance

see above comment

This guy was Suzy's favorite

Who knew that black swans existed in the wild!

Cows are hairier New Zealand. And weirder. 

Suzy is cute. Wearing her Silver "Fin" (Fern, but pronounced Fin in NZ).

Some cool springs, super clear. It was about 5-15 ft deep depending.

The redwoods, imported from CA in the early 1900s.

Maybe the swans turn black because they swim in a black lake. 

cool looking trees, but the sky was not blue.

Yes, this is common. Sheep are a main export of New Zealand. Reminds me of Ireland.

1 comment:

Gatewaymontessori226 said...

Thanks for the NZ pix. Made me want to go there.