Sunday, August 30, 2015

Summer Fun - Cabin Version

We went up to the Cabin for 4th of July weekend which is always a blast. Here's the fun twisty swing that Papa built. You have to balance the weight (roughly) on opposite sides so you don't run into the tree.

Papa winding it up

There is someone opposite Jace, you just can't see them.

"Luke, I am your father" Brighton version

This was a fun dog who accompanied Jace and I on a walk.  Jace named him "wild walking dog". I wanted to call him Max. Personally, I think Jace would be a great nicknamer, especially as a native american. He followed us for about a half a mile or so before someone finally came and picked him up.  

Fun on the Tube

Brighton went a couple of times with Kate. Kate sure loves the knee board. She wasn't quite able to get up on the wakeboard this time, but got awfully close.