Monday, January 20, 2014

Thumb your nose at it

From Suzy:
Jace: Mom, I have good news! I not suck my thumb anymore!

Me: That is good news! Especially considering you never did suck your thumb. You know what would also be great? Stopping picking your nose and eating it.

Jace: Yeah, I wish i had a weawy (really) long tongue, an I could just clean my nose.
Me: yeeaaah...

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I had a "Monk" moment when I read that. (You know, from the TV series "Monk".) If you don't know, just picture me squirming in my chair and shuddering and saying "ewwww". I laughed out loud also and had to read the post to Bill, who also laughed out loud.

That Jace... he will be great at thinking outside the box as he grows older, won't he? No wait. He already does think outside the box.