Saturday, December 14, 2013


I don't know if any of you have heard of the movie "Perfect Pitch", it's about Acapella (singing without accompanying music). Anyway, there's a part where the main character moves some cups around with some kind of beat or something.  Apparently this was the coolest thing ever, because every girl age 5-12 was obsessed with the "cup game" as we call it in our house. Kate and Faith would tell us how they all practiced the cup game at recess time. This lasted about 2 months or so, because just last week I asked Kate why I never see her doing the cup game anymore. She told me they got bored with it, and now she plays on the swings.

Luckily, she goes to a charter school. It's not that a charter school is that much different than normal public school (it's a free public school), it's just that it's a bit smaller I think so the kids stay a bit more innocent longer.  We know some of the middle school students, and there's only one class of 7th, and one of 8th grade so it's much easier to not have cliques etc. 

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I love that she is able to attend that school.