Saturday, November 16, 2013

First Taste of Sugar Ever!

We all gathered for a small family birthday party.  Brighton had her very first taste of sugar, or at least that's what was said on the video. By some people. Who will remain nameless.
Here's Brighton trying to play with some of her presents while all the kids gather round like sharks. Or superheroes. Who steal presents from babies. 

Here we are skyping with Grandma and Papa English who are on the mission. I think this toy was Brighton's favorite. She spent 30 minutes putting the balls through the holes. She didn't quite get the use of the hammer despite my expert demonstrations. She did use it later on the coffee table though. 

1 comment:

middledavis said...

I love Captain Literally! (Alias Jace) All the pictures were wonderful, and we enjoyed the video of Brighton.