Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Faith was talking to Jace:
"Jace, do you know what 5 plus 5 plus 5 is?"
Faith, "It's 113"
Apparently when you add an additional 5 the numbers explode.

We were at a friends house a couple of days ago. They have 7 and 4 year old girls and a 2 yr old boy so they match up great with our family.
The girls were all playing some kind of game, and apparently the 4 year old was getting a bit frustrated.  Faith (who is a 5 as you may know) took the 4 year old with her to a room and had a "discussion".

"Now Lauren, no one likes it if you use a whiny voice. If you use a whiny voice too much, no one will play with you. Here are 3 options for you to choose" (she lists three things for Lauren to do, Lauren chooses one).

Don't you love it when your kids start using passing on your parenting advice to others?

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