Thursday, February 28, 2013

Basketball Act 1

So, Kate had a really great day today. She got to go into the library herself to return a CD. She said it was "Scary, but really exciting at the same time!" (Suzy was watching her from the parking lot).  She did a great job (It's scary to think how fast she's growing up).

She also learned an "Act" at Basketball [a play].

Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is how we roll

Here's Kate, dressing up as a witch.  Not sure if it's the conventional to ride the broom that way, but neither is the hat choice.

We recently purchased Madagascar 3. It came with this fun, and now very popular wig.  I think we'll make the official wig of the best dishwasher unloader.

Yes, those are cute fur trimmed pink boots. And a wooden spoon, which he was using to beat the legos with (as in hit, not stir vigorously). 

Here we are as a family watching a movie (Hotel Transylvania). We're all on the couch. Except Jace, who sitting in the lego bin. 

Kate's Basketball Game

Kate is in the yellow shorts.  Her team is the "Rockin' Girls" (They got to choose their own name, Kate wanted it to be the butterflies).  They're in the green shirts, you can see that they're still a bit raw, but lots of potential!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Faith was talking to Jace:
"Jace, do you know what 5 plus 5 plus 5 is?"
Faith, "It's 113"
Apparently when you add an additional 5 the numbers explode.

We were at a friends house a couple of days ago. They have 7 and 4 year old girls and a 2 yr old boy so they match up great with our family.
The girls were all playing some kind of game, and apparently the 4 year old was getting a bit frustrated.  Faith (who is a 5 as you may know) took the 4 year old with her to a room and had a "discussion".

"Now Lauren, no one likes it if you use a whiny voice. If you use a whiny voice too much, no one will play with you. Here are 3 options for you to choose" (she lists three things for Lauren to do, Lauren chooses one).

Don't you love it when your kids start using passing on your parenting advice to others?