Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cute little helpers

Jace is at that fun stage where he wants to do everything the older folks do. This includes such things as turning on the dishwasher, putting away dishes (okay, mostly taking them out of the cupboards he can reach), typing on any available keyboard, sitting in chairs, standing on chairs, falling off chairs, putting things in the trash, taking things out of the trash, eating things taken out of the trash. Yup, all the things we do.
Here's a video of him helping us out with pumpkin carving. As you can see, he's already a big helper! Love that little guy.


middledavis said...

Awwwww. He's so cute the way he expertly waves that scraper in the air above the pumpkin...perfectly mimicking what he can see of Suzy's movements with the scraper. I love the little guy, too.

Unknown said...

He's so cute!