Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Asleep, asleep

Ah, bedtime at last. Long day at work, chance to talk to Suzy finally, tell each other about our days. What's that? Oh, Hi Kate and Faith (who had been put to bed at least 5 minutes previously).
Kate, "Faith pinched me."
Suzy, "Really? She must have really long arms." (They sleep in bunk beds)
Kate, "Nooooooo, she doesn't"
Suzy, "How did she pinch you then?"
Kate, "I was in her bed (then in one quick breath) But she was in my bed before"

Okay, we get that issue resolved.

10 seconds later, Kate crying hard -
"I ran into the wall and bit my tongue"

Okay, we get that issue resolved.

30 seconds later, Faith, crying.
"I got this stuck in my hair" [curler]
Suzy, "Why is it wet"?
Faith, "I got it wet"

Don't you love putting the kids to bed? Especially since they let us get so much practice.

Suzy went out, luckily. The faucet upstairs was on full bore. Both girls in bed.


Unknown said...

Wow, that sounds so much like our house! I'm glad to know our kids aren't the only ones who make their parents put them to bed a dozen times each night.

Clandestine Road said...

That is quite funny. Did I ever tell you and Suzy about the time Alaina got up early in the morning to water the flowers? The flowers were on her sheets. She tried to hide the soggy mess of her mattress by mopping it up with toilet paper. I was not amused.
